Verify partnership of your school(s) or organizations
Wait! Not all schools and organizations partner with us to process financial aid applications. Before you proceed, use the search below to verify that your school uses SSS. Later in Section 5 of the PFS, you will be asked to officially select the school(s) to which you are applying.

Enter Partner Code Select Country and State/Province

To create a Family Portal account, please complete the fields below * indicates required field
Please enter your legal name below. This will help with document verification later. Do not include the name of your spouse/partner. We will collect that information later.
  • Phone number is required for your preferred phone
Your Email address will become your username. Provide the Email address of the parent you want to receive communications from SSS.
Important: The person you list in your account profile when logging in for the first time will automatically be listed as Parent A and cannot be changed. However, Parent A does not need to be the head of household. Just make sure you enter the name of a custodial parent rather than the student applicant.
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